Commemorative events of June 26, 1959

• Rewarded in 2011 with medal of the President of the Italian Republic •




2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014


2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 1993 | 1959-1964



Commemoration of June 26, 2019 - Consecration during the Eucharistic celebration

Commemoration of June 26, 2019 - Marnate mayor Maria Elisabetta Galli donating a holly plant to Olgiate Olona mayor Giovanni Montano

Commemoration of June 26, 2019 - The students authors of the deserving works of the 10th edition of the educational project in memory of June 26, 1959

Commemorative events 2019


In 2019 the educational project in memory of the plane crash has been addressed to the students of III A, III C and III D classes of “Dante Alighieri” school in Olgiate Olona.


Commemoration of 60th anniversary of the plane crash


The ceremony of June 26, 2019 – where the organizing staff invited with a letter all those who have supported the commemorative events from 2009 through 2019 -, was held in the the Ancient Collegiate Prepositural church of St. Stephen and Lawrence in Olgiate Olona: it began with the reading of the names of the seventy immortal lives and the message of ideal participation and greeting sent by the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella to Alberto Colombo and the relatives of the seventy immortal lives; the Eucharistic celebration in suffrage for the seventy immortal lives and their deceased relatives followed, presided by the vicar of the Archbishop of Milan, monsignor Luca Raimondi who gave the homily. The ceremony was attended by some relatives of the seventy immortal lives coming from Italy and from the United States of America, the mayor of the town of Marnate, the delegation of Comitato 8 ottobre committee, some members of Associazione arma aeronautica association of Gallarare and of Associazione aeroporti lombardi association, the authors of the most deserving works (all were awarded with merit certificates, the first three classified – awarded with a book-coupon sponsored by Massimo Mellina’s osteopathic physiotherapy study of Olgiate Olona – read their works); a booklet with the texts of the ceremony translated and declaimed in three languages (Italian, English, French) reported the names of the supporters of the commemorative events from 2009 through 2019, and the names of the 104 students authors of the 100 deserving works awarded in the ten editions of the educational project in memory of June 26, 1959; during the celebration, before the Litany of the Saints, the relatives of the seventy immortal lives and those who care about the commemorative events of June 26, 1959, deceased from 2009 through 2019, were remembered; certificates of thanks were given to Monsignor Luca Raimondi, the Sursum corda choir from Busto Arsizio that accompanied the ceremony, the delegate of the school director Maria Alberta Vignati, the deputy of the school director Donata Canavesi, the mayor Giovanni Montano, the mayor emeritus Giorgio Volpi.

During the ceremony of the 60th anniversary, Matilda Marchetta was awarded with the merit certificate for her poem Ali bianche - first classified and Special Award in 2016, best work of the first ten editions of the educational project - and offers (300 euros and 50 dollars) were collected to celebrate masses in suffrage for the seventy immortal lives in the Prevostal church of Olgiate Olona: then planned every two months and celebrated from July 2019 to 26 June 2021.


(page containing the works of the students in the eighth grade rewarded)



Thanks for the commemorative events promoted from 2010 to 2019


relatives of the seventy immortal lives and all those who care about them
populus Olgiatensis, Civil Protection and all the associations of Olgiate Olona


municipal administrators (mayors): Giovanni Montano - Giorgio Volpi
(councilors for Educational Services): Sofia Conte - Alda Acanfora - Enrico Vettori
school director: Maria Alberta Vignati
school director’s deputies: Donata Canavesi - Carla Pagani - Agostino Speroni


Beato Contardo Ferrini and Dante Alighieri schools of Olgiate Olona - Archdiocese of Milan Pastoral area IV (monsignor Luca Raimondi) - Ancient Collegiate Prevostal church of Saints Stephen and Lawrence of Olgiate Olona (don Giulio Bernardoni, don Giovanni Calastri, don Sergio Perego) - Walley Design Olgiate Olona (Roberto Rambaldini) - libreria Nuova terra Legnano (Giovanni Pietro Albini) - foto Emmerre Olgiate Olona (Maurizio Poratelli) - Coro Sursum corda Busto Arsizio - Gycom e GF spelling Olgiate Olona (Giuseppe Gianduia, Fabio Genellina) - Caccia services Busto Arsizio (Gaetano Carbonara) - Hotel D120 Olgiate Olona - studio fisioterapico osteopatico Massimo Mellina Olgiate Olona - cooperativa Massimo Carletti Olgiate Olona - laboratorio Marco Colombo service Olgiate Olona - laboratorio falegnameria Legno e dintorni Olgiate Olona (Giorgio Olgiati) - fioreria Elzi Olgiate Olona (Cinzia Rabolini) - Agriemporio marnatese e Verde+ Marnate (Alessio Zanchetta) - Tony hair fashion Olgiate Olona (Antonino Tarascio) - ottica Caldiroli Olgiate Olona (Giancarlo e Valeria Caldiroli, Valerio Grisetti) - La colombina cornici d’arte Olgiate Olona (Antonella Colombo) - ristorante pizzeria Capri Busto Arsizio (Gino Savino) - Pi.Erre sport Busto Arsizio (Roberto Paulon) - Edilcasa Olgiate Olona (Salvatore Conigliaro) - lattoniere Paolo Cerana Olgiate Olona - imbiancatore Andrea Gagliardi - Archimedia (Fabio Moroni) - pasticceria caffetteria Fabio Longhin Olgiate Olona - cooperativa La mano Legnano - Lualdi marmi Busto Arsizio (Monica Lualdi) - Comitato 8 ottobre Milano (Paolo Pettinaroli, Adele Scarani) - mass media


Luciana Alba - Carla Anelli - Elena Antonini - Valeria Arini - Emanuela Baglio - Federica Baù - Emanuela Bertoni - Christian Biaggio - Thomas Billiani - Lorena Buttol - Mario Canavesi (1942-2020) - Claudia Castano - Alfonso Castellone - Alessandra Castoldi - Maria Grazia Cataldi - Marina Cattaneo - Marco Cerana - Eliseo Chierichetti - Massimo Codecà - Valeria Codoro - Alberto Colombo - Anna Colombo - Graziella Colombo - Diana Corò - Cinzia Corso - Sara Donaggio - Silvia Elzi - Adriano Fabbri - Fabio Fantinati - Elisabetta Feraco - Eugenio Ferrario - Enrica Ferrazzi - Giorgio Franchi - Cristina Gatti - Paola Gianduia - Stefania Ielpo - Natale Ilacqua - Domenico La Rosa - Carlo e Maria Assunta Landoni - Lucia Lanza - Antonio Leuzzi - Mario Lomazzi - Chiara Milani - Alfiuccia Musumeci - Giorgio Napolitano (1925-2023) - Piero Pezzaldi - Laura Pigozzi - Paola Piovesana - Andrea Polichetti - Jonathan Jon Hibbard Proctor (1942-2020) - Tiziano Provasi - Paola Pucalik - Nicola Puddu - Eileen Robinson - Maria Pia Rogora - Carlo Rossi - Piero Lorenzo Rota - Luigi Sabella - Giosuè Saibene - Enrico Sassi - Saverio Scarinci - Annalisa Schepis - Esmeralda Schepis - Greg Smith - Laura Testa - Monica Testa - Simonetta Vaccari - Nadia Venturelli


Delegated by the mayor Giovanni Montano, Alberto Colombo represented the town of Olgiate Olona on October 8, 2019, in Milan at the commemoration of the victims of Milan-Linate air disaster.


Commemoration of June 26, 2019 - People of Olgiate Olona and other people attending the ceremony

Commemoration of June 26, 2019 - Sursum corda choir of Busto Arsizio accompanying the celebration with song

Documents related to the commemorative events of 2019


July 4, 2019 - Press releases of Municipality of Olgiate Olona


Olgiate Olona and the memory of the plane crash in prayer: until June 26, 2021, suffrage Masses for the seventy immortal lives every two months in the Prepositural church


Commemoration of June 26, 2019 - 60th anniversary


Eucharistic celebration of suffrage for the seventy immortal lives and their deceased relatives


Homily of monsignor Luca Raimondi


June 17, 2019 - Press releases of Municipality of Olgiate Olona


Program of the Commemoration of June 26, 2019 - 60th anniversary


Olgiate Olona and the memory of the plane crash of June 26, 1959: every day, in a sober way, step by step


Selection of articles related to the commemorative events of 2019


La Settimana  July 12, 2019
Le offerte diventano messe in suffragio delle vittime del disastro aereo a Olgiate  July 6, 2019
Disastro aereo di Olgiate Olona, fino al 2021 messe di suffragio per le 70 vite


La Settimana  July 5, 2019
Disastro aereo, ecco gli studenti premiati


La Settimana  June 28, 2019
Sessant’anni fa il disastro aereo, gli studenti ricordano la tragedia  June 27, 2019
Olgiate si commuove nel ricordo della tragedia aerea di sessant’anni fa


Il Giorno  June 26, 2019
Disastro aereo del ’59: nessuno dimentica


La prealpina  June 25, 2019
Disastro aereo, ricordo vivo dopo 60 anni  June 25, 2019
Sessant’anni fa il disastro aereo di Olgiate Olona, mercoledì la commemorazione  June 24, 2019
Olgiate si ferma per ricordare le vittime del disastro aereo a 60 anni dalla tragedia


L’Inform@zione online  June 24, 2019
Una messa in tre lingue per commemorare il 60° anniversario  June 17, 2019
Commemorazione disastro aereo 1959. Olgiate Olona il 26/06/19


La Settimana  June 21, 2019
Gli studenti ricordano il disastro aereo


La prealpina  April 29, 2019
Via il degrado dal memoriale


La prealpina  February 4, 2019
I lavori degli studenti per il disastro aereo  January 29, 2019
I ragazzi delle scuole medie di Olgiate ricordano la tragedia aerea del 1959  January 28, 2019
Disastro aereo di Olgiate Olona, decima edizione del progetto didattico


Commemoration of June 26, 2019 - The model of Super Constellation, the message of participation of the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella and the medal of the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano awarded to Olgiate Olona in 2011