Commemorative events of June 26, 1959

• Rewarded in 2011 with medal of the President of the Italian Republic •




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Commemoration of June 26, 2016

Commemoration of June 26, 2016 - People waiting for the beginning of the ceremony

Commemoration of June 26, 2016

Commemorative events 2016


In 2016 the educational project inspired to June 26, 1959, in its seventh edition was addressed to the students of III A, III C, III D classes of “Dante Alighieri” school in Olgiate Olona.


Commemoration of 57th anniversary of the plane crash


The Commemoration of June 26, 2016, held in front of the memorial monument of the plane crash, was attended by some relatives of the seventy immortal lives coming from Italy and United States of America (they read some passages of the prayer), the delegation of Comitato 8 ottobre committee, the authors of the ten deserving works: they were awarded with merit certificate, the authors of the best three works received a book-coupon sponsored by Marco Colombo service of Olgiate Olona; the work Ali bianche by Matilda Marchetta - first classified - was rewarded with the Special award 2016.


(page containing the works of the students in the eighth grade rewarded)



Delegated by the mayor Giovanni Montano, Alberto Colombo represented the town of Olgiate Olona on October 8, 2016, in Milan at the commemoration of the victims of Milan-Linate air disaster.


Commemoration of June 26, 2016 - People attending the ceremony

Commemoration of June 26, 2016 - Mayor Giovanni Montano pronouncing the commemorative speech

Witness of the commemoration of June 26, 2016


Kathleen Ellis, Frank W. Ellis’ daughter


The commemoration of TWA flight 891 of June 26, 1959


Documents related to the commemorative events of 2016


Commemoration of June 26, 2016


International prayer in suffrage


June 13, 2016 - Press releases of Municipality of Olgiate Olona


Program of the Commemoration of June 26, 2016


Ten flags for seventy immortal lives and sixteen Countries of the world struck by the disaster


March 25, 2016 - 3rd anniversary of the publication of this website


Website dedicated to June 26, 1959 - 3 years online, nearly 10.000 visits


Selection of articles related to the commemorative events of 2016


La settimana  October 7, 2016
Si ricorda l’incidente aereo di Linate  October 6, 2016
Olgiate Olona - Delegazione presente a cerimonie 15mo anniversario incidente aereo di Linate  July 1, 2016
Olgiate Olona: testimonianze del disastro aereo del 1959


La settimana  July 1, 2016
Olgiate ricorda il disastro aereo


La prealpina  June 25, 2016
Gli studenti ricordano il disastro aereo  June 24, 2016
Disastro aereo Olgiate Olona (Varese, 26 giugno 1959): domenica prossima il 57° anniversario  June 24, 2016
26 giugno: il programma delle celebrazioni del disastro aereo


L’inform@zione online  June 24, 2016
26 giugno: Olgiate fa memoria di “settanta vite immortali”


La settimana  June 24, 2016
A Olgiate domenica si ricorda il disastro aereo del 1959


La settimana  June 16, 2016
Si ricorda il disastro aereo e si premiano i lavori degli studenti  June 14, 2016
Commemorazione anniversario disastro aereo 1959


La Provincia di Varese online  June 14, 2016
I settanta immortali vivono sempre nei nostri cuori  June 13, 2016
Disastro aereo del 26 giugno 1959, il programma delle celebrazioni


Commemoration of June 26, 2016 - Beginning of the ceremony