Commemorative events of June 26, 1959

• Rewarded in 2011 with medal of the President of the Italian Republic •




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June 26, 2011 - The students of junior high school of Olgiate Olona - authors of ten finalist works - open the cortege to the memorial carrying the flags of the Countries of origin of the seventy immortal lives

June 26, 2011 - From left to right: the president of Comitato 8 ottobre per non dimenticare committee Paolo Pettinaroli, Olgiate Olona mayor Giorgio Volpi and vicar deputy prefect of Varese Andrea Polichetti

June 26, 2011 - Authorities and representatives of Comitato 8 ottobre per non dimenticare committee in front of the stone in memory of the victims of Milan-Linate air disaster of October 8, 2001

Commemorative events 2011


A logo for the commemorative events of the seventy immortal lives was created.
At the commemoration of June 26, 2011 the Municipality of Olgiate Olona invited the Comitato 8 ottobre per non dimenticare ( committee which gather the relatives of one hundred and eighteen victims of Milan-Linate disaster of October 8, 2001; an embrace of solidarity occurred between people who care about the seventy immortal lives of 1959 and the relatives - led by president Paolo Pettinaroli - of the victims of the worst disaster in civil Aviation in Italy.
A stone dedicated to the victims of Milan-Linate disaster was unveiled; it has the following inscription: “Onorando le centodiciotto vittime della sciagura di Milano-Linate (8 ottobre 2001) insieme col Comitato 8 ottobre la popolazione di Olgiate Olona questa lapide pose segno di memoria e di solidarietà animate da settanta vite immortali qui libratesi in volo il 26 giugno 1959 e il solenne gesto di fratellanza il Presidente della Repubblica premiò conferendo la sua medaglia nel 150° dell’unità d’Italia Domenica 26 giugno 2011” (translation: to honor one hundred and eighteen victims of Milan-Linate disaster (October 8, 2001), the community of Olgiate Olona together with Comitato 8 ottobre committee placed this stone as sign of memory and solidarity animated by seventy immortal lives here soared on June 26, 1959, and this solemn act of fraternity was rewarded with the medal of President of the Italian Republic in the 150th anniversary of unification of Italy. Sunday June 26, 2011).
This act carried out in the 150th anniversary of unification of Italy and the high value of commemorative events have been rewarded by the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano (1925-2023) who gave his medal to the Municipality of Olgiate Olona by means of the vicar Deputy Prefect of province of Varese, Andrea Polichetti, on June 26, 2011.

Many people from Olgiate Olona and the relatives of the seventy immortal lives coming from USA and Italy attended the solemn ceremony, preceded by a cortege from the town hall of Olgiate Olona to the memorial located in “via 26 Giugno”; Olgiate Olona mayor Giorgio Volpi made the commemorative speech; Paolo Pettinaroli (president of Comitato 8 ottobre per non dimenticare committee) disclosed a testimony.
Others attending the commemoration: military authorities, students of junior high school of Olgiate Olona participants in the educational project (performed through a conversation in the classroom and the preparation at home of works inspired to the memory of June 26, 1959) including the authors of ten finalist works (all rewarded with certificate of merit, plus a book-coupon for the first three classified).
Alberto Colombo - in a personal capacity and authorized by the mayor - handed over a special prize to the author of one of the finalist works, because of the particularity of the content and writing.

During the ceremony and before the finalist works were rewarded, Olgiate Olona student in eighth-grade Thomas Billiani was remembered in the presence of his relatives and with their consent. Thomas flew to heaven on February 5, 2011 (five days before the conversation in the classroom) and joined the seventy immortal lives: people of Olgiate Olona address an affectionate thought to him and to those who love him.


(page containing the works rewarded)



Invited by Comitato 8 ottobre per non dimenticare committee, on October 8, 2011 Mayor Giorgio Volpi and Alberto Colombo represented the town of Olgiate Olona at the commemorations in Milan of the tenth anniversary of Milan-Linate air disaster.


Commemoration of June 26, 2011

Documents related to the commemorative events of 2011


June 27, 2011 - Comitato 8 ottobre per non dimenticare committee


Letter of thanks of President Paolo Pettinaroli after the commemoration of June 26, 2011 (original in Italian)


Commemoration of June 26, 2011


Speech of Paolo Pettinaroli, President of Comitato 8 Ottobre per non dimenticare committee


June 2011 - Commemoration of 52nd anniversary


Open letter of Alberto Colombo


May 9, 2011 - General Secretariat of Presidency of the Italian Republic


Letter accompanying the medal of the President of the Italian Republic (original in Italian)


Commemoration of June 26, 2011

Commemoration of June 26, 2011 - The medal of the President of the Italian Republic, Giorgio Napolitano

Commemoration of June 26, 2011

Selection of articles related to the commemorative events of 2011


La settimana  October 14, 2011
Olgiate presente al ricordo delle vittime di Linate  October 7, 2011
Disastro aereo di Linate, Olgiate Olona presente  October 6, 2011
Disastro aereo di Linate, Olgiate Olona presente  October 6, 2011
Olgiate Olona presente alle cerimonie per il decennale della sciagura di Linate


L’inform@zione online  October 6, 2011
Milano-Linate. Olgiate presente al decennale della sciagura


La settimana  July 1, 2011
L’abbraccio della comunità si allarga alle vittime del disastro di Linate


La prealpina  June 27, 2011
Disastri aerei, la Valle sempre più vicina a Linate  June 26, 2011
Olgiate e Linate unite nel ricordo  June 24, 2011
Il vice Prefetto vicario di Varese alla commemorazione del disastro aereo a Olgiate Olona


La settimana  June 24, 2011
Una lapide anche per le vittime di Linate


L’inform@zione online  June 23, 2011
Disastro aereo 1959. Alla cerimonia, il vice-Prefetto e i Sindaci del Medio Olona


L’informazione dell’Alto milanese  June 21, 2011
26 giugno
8 ottobre 2011. Condividere la memoria


La settimana  June 17, 2011
Napolitano ha concesso la medaglia


L’informazione dell’Alto milanese  June 15, 2011
“Lettera aperta” di Alberto Colombo


La prealpina  June 15, 2011
Olgiate onora le vittime della tragedia di Linate


La provincia di Varese  June 15, 2011
Tra le vittime immortali anche Tommy  June 14, 2011
Da Olgiate a Linate, una giornata per non dimenticare


La settimana  May 13, 2011
La medaglia di Napolitano per la ricorrenza


La prealpina  May 11, 2011
Medaglia di Napolitano ricorda il 1959  May 11, 2011
Il presidente Napolitano concede sua medaglia a Olgiate Olona


L’informazione dell’Alto milanese  May 10, 2011
26 giugno 1959. Medaglia del Presidente  May 10, 2011
La sciagura di Linate e il disastro del 1959 a Olgiate Olona


L’inform@zione online  May 8, 2011
26 giugno 1959
8 ottobre 2001. Per non dimenticare  May 8, 2011
Il 26 giugno la commemorazione per le vittime del 1956


La prealpina  May 7, 2011
Uniti dal ricordo delle tragedie


La settimana  February 18, 2011
Giovani rapiti dal racconto sul disastro aereo del 1959


La prealpina  February 10, 2011
Il ricordo della tragedia



Commemoration of June 26, 2011