Commemorative events of June 26, 1959

• Rewarded in 2011 with medal of the President of the Italian Republic •




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March 23, 2013 - Ceremony of presentation of this website: Nicola Puddu and Olgiate Olona mayor Giorgio Volpi

March 23, 2013 - Ceremony of presentation of this website: speech of Adele Scarani Pesapane, vicepresident of Comitato 8 ottobre per non dimenticare committee

Commemoration of June 26, 2013

Ceremony of presentation of this website


In 2013 the educational project addressed to the students in eighth-grade was proposed again. Moreover the spirit and commitment which animate the commemorative events have created a tool that perpetuates the memory of June 26, 1959, in a way accessible from anywhere: the website created by Nicola Puddu with the cooperation of Alberto Colombo and some relatives of the seventy immortal lives. The website was presented in the town hall of Olgiate Olona on March 23, 2013: among the people attending the ceremony were some relatives of the seventy immortal lives and some rescuers of 1959. Brief speeches were made by Carla Pagani, deputy school director of “Beato Contardo Ferrini” Institute, and Adele Scarani Pesapane, vicepresident of Comitato 8 ottobre per non dimenticare committee (relatives of the victims of Milan-Linate air disaster). In the greeting to the visitors of the website Olgiate Olona mayor Giorgio Volpi pointed out the boundless potentiality of this website that - by keeping the memory of June 26, 1959, alive - helps to introduce Olgiate Olona community to the world.

On April 12, 2013 by means of a message sent to Alberto Colombo, President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano (1925-2023) expressed his appreciation about this website and “for the work of in-depth research and historical testimony of such tragic event”.



Commemoration of 54th anniversary of the plane crash


The commemoration of Wednesday June 26, 2013 (a solemn and sober ceremony which took place at 5.33 p.m. in front of the memorial located in “via 26 giugno” street that was partially restored for this event) - was attended by many people of Olgiate Olona, by some relatives of the seventy immortal lives coming from Italy and USA (who also read the international ecumenical prayer in English), by Olgiate Olona mayor Giorgio Volpi who made his commemorative speech, by the delegation of the Comitato 8 ottobre per non dimenticare committee (relatives of the victims of Milan-Linate air disaster), by the students in eighth grade of Olgiate Olona taking part in the educational project (conversation in the classroom and drafting at home of works inspired to the memory of June 26, 1959) including the authors of the ten most deserving works (all were rewarded with a certificate of merit and the first three classified received a book-coupon paied homage by a sponsor operating in Olgiate Olona who preferred to remain anonymous).
During the ceremony Susan and Kathleen Ellis - daughters of Frank William Ellis, First Officer on the TWA flight - gave to the mayor as a tribute to Olgiate Olona a model of the ill-fated aircraft of June 26, 1959.


(page containing the works rewarded)


Invited by “Comitato 8 ottobre” committee, Alberto Colombo delegated by the mayor Giorgio Volpi represented the Municipality of Olgiate Olona on October 8, 2013 in Milan at the commemoration of the victims of Milan-Linate air disaster.


Commemoration of June 26, 2013

June 26, 2013 - Susan and Kathleen Ellis give to Olgiate Olona mayor Giorgio Volpi a model of the ill-fated aircraft of June 26, 1959

June 26, 2013 - The model of the aircraft of June 26, 1959

Documents related to the commemorative events of 2013


Commemoration of June 26, 2013


International ecumenical prayer in suffrage


April 12, 2013 - Letter of President of the Italian Republic


Message of appreciation of President of the Italian Republic for this website and for the work of historical testimony of the tragic event (original in Italian)


March 25, 2013 - Publication of this website


Greeting of Olgiate Olona mayor Giorgio Volpi to the visitors of this website


March 23, 2013 - Ceremony of presentation of this website


Program of ceremony


Introduction by Alberto Colombo


Website presentation by Nicola Puddu


February 2013 - Invitation by Olgiate Olona mayor


The ceremony of presentation of this website


Selection of articles related to the commemorative events of 2013


La settimana  June 28, 2013
Olgiate si ferma per ricordare le vittime del disastro


L’inform@zione online  June 27, 2013
Olgiate Olona, 26 giugno 1959: memoria ancora viva tra preghiere e premiazioni


La Provincia di Varese online  June 27, 2013
Olgiate ricorda il disastro. Donato il modello dell’aereo  June 26, 2013
Quel disastro aereo che nessuno vuole dimenticare  June 3, 2013
Settanta vite spezzate


TWA Senior Club magazine  May 2013
New website - TWA Flight 891


La settimana  April 19, 2013
Napolitano ringrazia Olgiate Olona


L’inform@zione online  April 4, 2013
26 giugno 1959: il viaggio della Memoria prosegue nel Mondo


La settimana  March 29, 2013
Ha finalmente un nome il bimbo morto nel disastro aereo


La prealpina  March 24, 2013
Un sito in memoria del disastro aereo  March 8, 2013
Disastro aereo del ’59, gli alunni in prima fila per ricordare


June 26, 2013 - An aircraft flying over the town and the memorial site during the commemoration