The seventy immortal lives of June 26, 1959



Ten flags for the seventy immortal lives and
the sixteen Countries of the world struck by the disaster


Every year on June 26 in Olgiate Olona ten flags commemorate the nationality of the seventy immortal lives and represent the Countries of the world that were more or less directly struck by the disaster. Eight flags correspond to those of eight nationalities of the immortal lives: United States of America (37 passengers, considering the unborn creature), Italy (16), France (7), United Kingdom (4), Chile (3), Germany (1), Israel (1), Egypt (1). The other two flags - those of the European Union and of the United Nations - symbolize eight other Countries struck by the disaster of June 26, 1959 because of the birthplaces of some of the seventy victims: Greece, Spain, Romania, Poland, Russia, Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia in 1959), Algeria, Sudan. Thus, the Countries involved in the plane crash of Olgiate Olona are sixteen in total. More specifically, among the U.S. victims eight were born in Italy, two in Greece, one in Spain, one in Czechoslovakia and one in Russia; among the French victims, two were born in Algeria, one in Egypt, one in Poland; one of the Italian victims was born in Egypt; the Israeli victim was born in Romania; the Egyptian victim was born in Sudan.


(click on the name to open the page dedicated)




crew members


Paul Sidney Grade, age 50

U.S., Captain

Jack Davis, age 39

U.S., Captain (ACM)

Frank William Ellis, age 29

U.S., First Officer

Harry Louis Stanton, age 43

U.S., Relief Pilot

John Victor Powell, age 39

U.S., Flight Engineer

Donald Albert Lueke, age 41

U.S., Flight Engineer

Edmond Mouchnino, age 38

French, Purser

Marguerite Fay, age 27

French, Hostess

Jacqueline Jaussen, age 23

French, Hostess




British passengers


George Ellis, age 48

Marguerite Cambet Ellis, age 51

Percy Charles Nicholls, age 44

Albert John Palmer, age 42




Chilean passengers


Sonia Labbe Quinteros, age 24

Luis Quinteros Jr., age 7

Pilar Quinteros, age 5



U.S. passengers


Govie Bebee Allbritton, age 38

Leonardo Armanetti, age 53

Mary Belknap, age 10

Augusta Benedetti, age 69

Jacob Binder, age 57

Anna Maga, age 64

William Edwin Buckley, age 53

Rizieri Celli, age 42

Georgia Chioles, age 67

Jesus Juan Rey, age 63

Anna Rey, age 55

Manuel Rey, age 31

Josephine Fuda, age 65

Domenick Fuda, age 15

Katherine Germo, age 71

Mary Germo, age 46

Olivia Kammerer, age 66

Syd Kaye, age 59

Anna Korecky, age 69

Lillian Sternes, age 48

Frank Charles Sternes, age 51

Chester Linsky, age 34

Basilio Lombardi, age 61

Michael A. Martino, age 29

Corinne Martino, age 30

Sophie Doumouras, age 23

Antonio Salbego, age 68

Hugo Sei, age 45

George S. Sherman, age 43

Mary Thompson, age 22




Israeli passenger


Hermann Zwy Carmely, age 53




Egyptian passenger


Jean Georges Brahamsha, age 25




French passengers


Farid Geargeoura, age 47

Jacques Rock, age 32

Ernest Rotter, age 51

Jeann Renée Rousseau, age 23




German passenger


Peter Fröhn, age 37