The educational project at “Dante Alighieri” school of Olgiate Olona



In order to provide continuity and sightedness to the memory of June 26, 1959, an educational project has been started in 2010 thanks to the intuition of Alberto Colombo supported by Beato Contardo Ferrini Institute and by the Municipality of Olgiate Olona. The project is addressed to the students in the eighth-grade of Dante Alighieri school and consists of: a multimedia conversation in the classroom about the historical fact and the commemorative events, dialog with the students, screening of the video of song Olgiate Olona, 26 Giugno 1959 composed by Nicola Puddu; production of a work written in Italian language follows. The works in poetry and prose are received anonymous; then they are selected and judged by a jury outside the school; the most deserving works - those which best reflect the historical fact and the commemorative events - are rewarded during the commemoration of June the 26. Because of their exceptional nature, some works received a Special award offered personally by Alberto Colombo with the authorization of Olgiate Olona mayor.


school year:


2024/25 | 2023/24 | 2022/23 | 2021/22 | 2020/21 | 2019/20 | 2018/19 | 2017/18


2016/17 | 2015/16 | 2014/15 | 2013/14 | 2012/13 | 2011/12 | 2010/11 | 2009/10





Commemoration of June 26, 2013 - Federico Paredi, first classified

Commemoration of June 26, 2013 - Nicole De Carli, second classified

Commemoration of June 26, 2013 - Noemi Carotenuto, third classified

Works awarded school year 2012-2013


The educational project in memory of the plane crash was addressed to all the students in eighth grade of Dante Alighieri school. The following are the translations of the works rewarded during the commemoration of June 26, 2013.



First classified, the poem Ali bianche by FEDERICO PAREDI:


Ali bianche
(white wings)


White wings in the dark sky,
a light in the darkness,
seventy lives
who will be saved?
None of them died really,
they are still living in our memory.
And tonight,
seventy stars are shining in the sky.
White wings.
They still fly free,
in the clouds;
like a light in the fog
they distinguish themselves from evil.
White wings,
that no one will forget.


Second classified, the elaborate in prose Avevi mille sogni by NICOLE DE CARLI:


Avevi mille sogni
(you had a thousand dreams)


Dear daughter, life has gone on here, but your memory is still alive in us. Listen, I want to tell you a secret: when I answered the phone that day and a cold voice with no emotion said those horrible words, I felt a hole in my heart that has never been filled. I always thought that I would have gone before you, but... Sure I knew you would have cried when I had passed away, however you would have gone ahead because I always taught you to be strong and to overcome the sorrow that afflict you in life. Shame that no one ever taught me too. I often see again your little body among those metal sheets, I think that it was your destiny and that no one can change his own fate, as I was used to tell you, my darling. Life reserves sorrow and joy, everything is left to chance. Seventy lives broken by a lightning, you were among them. You were young and you had a thousand dreams that were shattered in that summer afternoon, in few seconds. They say that when you go to heaven you become an angel; your soul is free, the time passes less heavily; in short, everything is better. I hope that it’s really like that up there. Your mom.


Third classified, the poem Son morto... by NOEMI CAROTENUTO:


Son morto...
(I died...)


I died when I was a kid,
I died together with sixty nine people,
the fate wanted me to die.
She was my only thought.
Fire on that airplane, flames, smoke and... me.
Under piles of debris
shreds of immortal bodies,
broken hearts of families.
We are not missing, we are just invisible:
we point our eyes full of glory
to your eyes full of tears.
Don’t stand to cry on at my grave.
I’m not there, I’m not sleeping.
When you wake up in the morning calmness,
I’m the stars that shine at night.



Commemoration of June 26, 2013 - Group photo of the students of junior high school rewarded during the commemoration


Documents and articles related to the educational project 2012-2013


March 25, 2013 - Message of the School director


The meaning of memory


March 8, 2013 - Article published in


Disastro aereo del ’59, gli alunni in prima fila per ricordare